






S.115 – Thomas P. Hardy Residence, 1319 South Main Street, Racine, Wisconsin


Photographed on May 10, 2012.  Racine is home to several Wright designs, notably the nearby S.C. Johnson Company’s headquarters.  Main Street runs north/south, roughly parallel to the Lake Michigan shoreline, and is home to two Wright designs.  If you visit the Johnson company buildings and drive the six short blocks to the lake, you will first encounter this home at 14th Street.  Five blocks north, at 9th Street, you will find the Henry & Lily Mitchell Residence (S.039). 


Main Street runs along the lake (on a bluff) south of town.  This house is the first building encountered on Main Street as you drive north; at this point, Main Street angles slightly inward from the lake and enters the center of Racine.  It can be viewed from Main Street, from park land on the southern face, or from downhill at a lakefront park.


A former resident’s return to the home is chronicled in a wonderful article by Mark Hertzberg in The (Racine) Journal Times.







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Historical marker in East Park, which is immediately south of the residence

New 05/18/2012

Revised 09/28/2012

